Bipolar Disorder Symptoms And Causes

A hypomanic episode is an abnormally and persistently elevated mood that lasts for four days. To successfully manage bipolar symptoms, you must ensure that your partner is committed to continued treatment and ongoing communication with a mental health specialist. As their partner, you can provide the support and encouragement required for regular checkups. Bipolar relationships are hard because people usually lack the knowledge and understanding of this particular mental illness and how to cope. Without the tools, bipolar relationships can become burdensome and problematic. Consequences of bipolar disorder is that it can induce the person to engage in infidelity to reduce their feelings of depression and boredom.

Bipolar disorder is something you have to learn to manage for the rest of your life. ”, equip yourself by talking with them about their triggers when they feel better, or researching the condition from a knowledgeable source. World Bipolar Day can be a time for individuals to become better informed, both about the disorder’s symptoms, as well as how to offer support. But the problem goes all the way down to the least prestigious situations.

Treatment can help when continuous and focused effort exists. However, successful treatment can be challenging because many people miss their “up” periods and the euphoria of manic episodes, so they might seek to induce those periods of elevated mood. Call the doctor who’s treating you for bipolar disorder before you take medications prescribed by another doctor or any over-the-counter supplements or medications. Sometimes other medications trigger episodes of depression or mania or may interfere with medications you’re taking for bipolar disorder. Depression is the other pole of bipolar disorder, and cannabis use has been shown to be effective in reducing depressive symptoms in some people.

Keeping a record of your daily moods, treatments, sleep, activities and feelings may help identify triggers, effective treatment options and when treatment needs to be adjusted. Discuss treatment options with your doctor before you become pregnant, if possible. If you’re taking medication to treat your bipolar disorder and think you may be pregnant, talk to your doctor right away. A number of medications are used to treat bipolar disorder.

Related to Depression

Despite many similarities, certain symptoms are more common in bipolar depression than in regular depression. For example, bipolar depression is more likely to involve irritability, guilt, unpredictable mood swings, and feelings of restlessness. With bipolar depression, you may move and speak slowly, sleep a lot, and gain weight. In addition, you’re more likely to develop psychotic depression—a condition in which you lose contact with reality—and to experience major problems in work and social functioning.

Identifying the Symptoms

People with bipolar disorder may experience unique challenges surrounding intimacy, but bonding and fostering healthy relationships is entirely possible. Manic and depressive episodes can also change how each person experiences touch and stimulation, says Blanton. People with bipolar disorder may experience libido changes, impulsive sexual behaviors, and other intimacy challenges. Understanding the way that both you and your loved one expresses love can be critical in fostering a healthy relationship.

Here is what to know about how to respond and what to think in the following situations. The information on this page is not intended to replace assistance, diagnosis, or treatment from a clinical or medical professional. Readers are urged to seek professional help if they are struggling with a mental health condition or another health concern. It can also be a good idea to decide whether or not it feels like the right time to have a conversation.

Not everyone’s symptoms and patterns fit neatly into the clinical guidelines for diagnosing bipolar disorder.

But any kind of stressor — good or bad — has potential to trigger manic or depressive episodes for people with bipolar disorder. Banyan Mental Health is a facility that offers a variety of mental health treatments, including bipolar disorder treatment. Our mental health programs address both the apparent and underlying issues related to mental illness, and any contributing factors like substance abuse. If you or a loved one is struggling with this disorder, our treatment program can help.

If you suspect that your spouse may be dealing with bipolar disorder, let them know your concerns and that you are there to help. Asking them about what they’ve noticed about themselves and their thoughts can be a great way to get insight into how they’re feeling. Offering your support to connect them with a mental health DatingRated professional can help them take that next step. Your partner’s ability to perform well at work can be affected by bipolar disorder. Severe mood swings, along with manic symptoms such as poor judgement and impulsivity, or depressive symptoms such as low energy and disinterest make it tough to find and maintain a job.

Bipolar disorder is a mood disorder affecting somewhere between one and 4.3 percent of the US population. Additionally, as someone who knows them well, you can notice any troubling symptoms when they first appear so they can schedule an appointment immediately. When addressed promptly, an episode onset can be prevented, and a symptom-free period can continue. For each person, self-care will mean something different, of course. If you were focused on who they can be, you are not dating the person they are. That means you may have been pushing them to become someone they might not be and missing out on being present and dealing with the problems at hand.