How To Tell If You’re Ready To Move In With A Partner

Begin this phase of your life by talking to your partner first. Knowing how long you should wait before you move in together is not enough. More important is training yourself to spot the signs that show you’re finally ready to move in together.

While new couples tend to go through the initial milestones faster than what some would consider ideal, the opposite occurs with big life decisions. While only 3% of Britons believe you need to wait five years or more to get engaged, this was the case for one in seven people who are or were engaged to their partner (14%). Whereas people who are already married said that it took them about 173 days, or closer to six months, to realize they wanted to marry their significant others. No one really likes talking about money, but for a couple who lives together, it’s pretty important. Even if you don’t want to join your finances at all, which is totally fine, you will still need to talk about how you’re going to pay for groceries, rent, and bills.


If you feel like you have to hide parts of yourself from your partner, it may be too soon to move in together. If the idea of sharing your full, authentic self with your partner sounds daunting, that’s okay! It might be a sign that you two need to get to know each other more before taking the next step in your relationship. You can be your honest, authentic self around your partner. Before moving in together, you should feel totally comfortable around your partner no matter what.

You’re excited about the idea.

Cohabitation (i.e., living together in a sexual relationship before marriage) is an increasingly common trend in United States. Today, most heterosexual couples live together before marriage. A survey of over 12,000 heterosexual women aged between 2006 and 2010 showed that approximately half of women cohabitate prior to their first marriage (Copen, Daniels, & Mosher, 2013). This will help you continue to effectively navigate what can be a rewarding experience that brings you and your partner closer. Moving in together can be a huge step in a relationship.

We were already spending a ton of time together and saw a future together, so it just made sense. One study out of Stanford University showed that a quarter of couples move in together after four months of dating and half after a year. This may be one of the biggest steps for a new couple right before marriage.

Does Living Together Before Marriage Mean You Are Ready For The Wedding?

Knowing who likes to do what can ensure a life without squabbles and bickering. Between the two of you, you may both have a fair amount of furniture, kitchenware, and just stuff. Chances are that your new place simply doesn’t need all these items. When you find yourself in this situation, evaluate what is going to go with you both to your home and what items you will donate, throw away, or put in storage.

Even if you already share each other’s spaces, you each have a home you can go to for alone time, not to mention that household expenses and decisions are separate. But how do you know when it’s time to make the move? Firstly, it’s shouldn’t be something you do for any other reason than wanting to take that next step. Saving money is not a good enough reason to move in together. Neither is the fact that you spend a lot of your time together — lots of people do that in the honeymoon period. The signs for you to look out for should be ones that show that you’re actually ready to make the move for your relationship, rather than just thinking it’s convenient or what you’re supposed to be doing.

She has a master’s degree in counseling psychology from the University of Santa Monica and has advanced training in Emotionally Focused Therapy . She has worked in the social work field for 8 years and is currently a professor at Mount Vernon Nazarene University. She writes website content about mental health, addiction, and fitness. Study, people who have never been married report that they think it would take around 210 days, or about seven months, before deciding they were ready to marry someone.

According to a survey by, 37% of people agreed that six months to a year into dating is a good time to move in together. “Traveling, although it’s exciting and fun, can be stressful. Before you take this step, you’ll need to get a good idea of your mate’s character. During the six months leading up to your trip, watch how they handle stress, the day to day responsibilities of life and their capacity to handle disagreements in your relationship,” says Hokemeyer. There is such a thing as rushing, and such a thing as dragging your feet, and neither one makes sense for good relationship momentum. You should know pretty well by six months or a year if things are going well enough to consider moving in; if you don’t know by two or three years, then isn’t that your answer?

In my relationship, our argument kill switch is “Okay, sure.” The phrase is a quick exit ramp. Say my boyfriend and I are watching Killing Eve, idly chatting about dog ownership. Suddenly, before either of us knows what’s happening, we’re arguing about whether to let our dog sleep in the bed. (We don’t even own a dog.) No matter how furious I am at my boyfriend on behalf of Salami , if he comes in with “Okay, sure,” we can both go back to drooling over Sandra Oh. Nothing on earth provides more immediate relief than a timely egress from a squabble that you weren’t that invested in, anyway. If everything is still coming up roses, maybe I’ll dance a jig with you.

“Over the course of three dates you can get a good sense of who your partner is and if it’s worth taking the next step and having sex with them,” explains Hokemeyer. From talking about money and covering exes, to meeting the family and moving in together, here are nine key points in the new relationship timeline. Spending full weeks at your mate’s place with no breaks to test the waters of their grooming habits, late-night TV preferences , whiskey snores, and so on.

Not only that, but if you’re in your 20s and at the age where friends of yours are getting pregnant or having their second or third kid, you probably want to talk about how you feel about babies in your space. If you think you and your partner are headed toward a future that includes babies of your own and the move is the first part, definitely talk about that before you actually get settled in. Before you move in together, talk to your partner about your cleaning and hygiene habits and find out about theirs, too. If you two are totally different in these ways, you might either want to rethink the move or at least have some serious conversations about how to work out your differences before it happens. At the start of every relationship, putting up a front to impress your partner is normal.