Morgan at the incorporating host 00080-Box step 3-Document 31-fourteen Kari Conrad, 9, Michael Daner, 11, and you can Mrs

Morgan at the incorporating host 00080-Box step 3-Document 31-fourteen Kari Conrad, 9, Michael Daner, 11, and you can Mrs

H.Roentgen. H.R. Morgan at the including machine 00080-Box 3-Document 31-15 Leo Hildenbrand, Election Custodian, examining to see which he have every their important factors shortly after readying computers for election. Points to possess forty two computers, 5 important factors for each and every machine; Election officials provides keys #1-2 hence open compartments to own voters. Erwin Bailey and you may Mrs. William Macdonald, Jr. Beam Bohn and you can Mrs. Henry Roehrick creating nativity scene on St. Anne’s Gift Reasonable 00080-Box step 3-File 29-20 Mrs. Esther Schoewe, Domestic Ext. Broker, Burleigh County, Mrs. Joe Fevold, Jr. Vice president Condition Council 00080-Box 3-Document 30-21 Tidy Homemakers – Mrs. Robert Zentner and Mrs. Eugene Binder 00080-Box step three-File 30-22 Mrs. Otto Tabert, Mrs. Jacob Schnaidt that have Christmas light 00080-Package 3-Document 29-23 Mrs.

Anderson which have Jay, 5, Cynthia, 8, and you will Jennifer, six 00080-Box step 3-File 31-twenty-five Wear Bearman, Coleharbor Channel Agent, Soo Range, within control out-of his broadcast during the depot 00080-Container step three-Document 29-twenty-six Mr

Lynn Nicola, serving – Seated: Mrs. E Brenneise, Mrs. Magdaline Ebel, Mrs. Anna Brockel, Mrs. B.C. Hjella 00080-Package step three-Document 31-24 Dr. Lloyd Elizabeth. Wear Bearman, route agent from the Coleharbor, and you will son John Paul, 5, near the protected truck Mrs. Bearman’s dad found North Dakota from Missouri when you look at the 1902 00080-Container step three-Document 29-twenty seven About three guys – FBI Counterspy 00080-Box step three-File 29-twenty-eight Mouth area, Sol Wezelman, Shaul Ramati 00080-Field 3-Document 31-30 Dee Lee, Shaul Ramati 00080-Box step 3-File 29-29 Beam Bader, New Leipzig; Jim Marsden, Fargo, Paul Gardner, The newest The united kingdomt; Ed Krieger, Beulah; Luke Jungers, Regent 00080-Package 3-File 30-31 Danis Hansey, Bowman, Delegate; Mrs.

Lawrence Faris, Bowman, Condition University Panel Officials Association; Honest DeMatte, Bowman, Delegate 00080-Package step three-Document 30-thirty-two Robert Bulles, Steele, Superintendent off Schools at the Steele; Ray Peterson, Steele, Board out of Directors, President ND University Officers Assoc. B. Argent, Steele, Chairman, University Officials Association, Kidder County 00080-Field step three-File 29-33 Jim Maher, Sioux Condition; Dill Van Oosting, Oliver County; An effective. R. Miller, Fantastic Valley 00080-Box step three-File 29-34 J. The young ladies’, symbolizing 17 west claims, are arriving so you can Twin Ponds Stables, Vegas, Nevada, to participate in the new Horsemanship stage of one’s Skip Rodeo America judging 00080-Field 3-Document 31-fifty Unlabeled 00080-Field step 3-Document 30-51 Unlabeled 00080-Field step 3-File 29-52a Chimney rising at the Bismarck Highest 00080-Container step three-Document 29-52b Power outlines 00080-Field 3-Document 30-53a Dudes installing bricks 00080-Field 3-File 29-53b Home 00080-Box step three-File 31-54a Path layered which have trucks at night 00080-Field 3-Document 29-54b Joseph F.

Schneider out of Bismarck having dollars from Enough time Lake Wildlife Sanctuary 00080-Package step three-File 30-55a Path layered with trucks at night 00080-Box 3-File 30-55b Couches and you can products in store 00080-Box step three-Document 31-56a fourteen ton, 56 legs much time container type of girder – is age carry on connection creating heart span of connection 00080-Field step 3-Document 31-56b Dog toward back from automobile 00080-Box step three-File 31-57a Lookin when you look at the elevator axle? Theodore H. Ritzke 00080-Box 3-File 31-03 Mr. Donald Meidinger 00080-Field step 3-File 31-04 Mr. Jergen Anderson 00080-Package 3-File 31-05 Mr. Andrews Cunningham 00080-Package step three-File 31-06 Mr. Merritt Hoffman 00080-Container step 3-Document 29-07 Mr. Russell Kiker, Jr. Steven is actually three years old and certainly will at some point take over the route in the future. Earl Harting teaches fifth Amount during the Pioneer College or university – Julie Tracy, Vicki Swenson, and you will Rachelle Buttman 00080-Field step three-File 30-16 Doug Hardesty, Helena (MT), State Defense Dept.

Mary Derman – Updates and helping within the rear, Mrs

W. Bethea, Ex lover. Sec. Jim Johnston, Bismarck; Representative. Ervin Baer, Roscoe (SD); Representative. Magnus Aasheim, Antelope (MT) 00080-Package step three-File 31-18 Gene Hilken, Wilton; Fred W. Aichele, Driscoll, Bob Heaton, McKenzie, Willis Alm, Regan 00080-Package 3-Document 29-19 Robert Welch, Menoken; Andrew Liuska, Wing; Beam Hanson, Bismarck, Gerald Ghylin 00080-Container step three-Document 29-20 Senator Tap Goodin, Minneapolis, and you can Agent. Leo Mosier, Minneapolis 00080-Package step 3-Document 31-21 Klaudh, Dir. Coverage Responsibility Section, ND; W. G. Eames, Dir. Rider Sign in, Agency out of Social Roads Dept. Ed Flanagan, Bis Wysocki, Minto Pres. Women’s Aux. Harold Luke, Bismarck 00080-Box step three-Document 29-25 Park Vacuum cleaner, Moffit, and Richard Dougherty, Driscoll, for the Globe War Memorial Strengthening getting 22nd Annual Fulfilling Ground Maintenance Districts 00080-Package 3-Document 29-twenty-six Two dudes exchanging gavel – Surface Preservation 00080-Field step three-File 30-twenty seven Harris Crimmins, Wing; Ed Flanagan, Bismarck – Soil Conservation 00080-Field step three-Document 30-28 Mrs.